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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

60 Seconds or Sow: Make Your Own Indestructible Onion Sets

60 Seconds or Sow: Make Your Own Indestructible Onion Sets

In 60 seconds or so... I show you just how indestructible onions really are to grow as sets. Any gardener can do this. These onions were over-seeded in the cells. You can watch my other videos to learn the process. The onions in the video have been neglected outside and still have bulbed quite well for making sets. Check it out. You can grow 100's of onions for pennies.

I started these in seed cells and just let them grow. If you keep them watered and add liquid fertilizer, you can grow them to this size packed together. Just separate them and you can have 100's of onions in your garden for pennies. Below is what you buy in stores for $4 or $5 dollars a bunch. Look familiar?

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden


  1. Great little vid. Thanks for reminding us that some plants do better when they're not babied.


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