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Vegetables A-G

How to Plant Beets and Spinach in Cell Flats for Transplants

This is not one of the 60 Second or Sow videos but it quickly shows you a way to plant beets and spinach in cell flats. Once they mature you will be able to put them in your garden beds. It is a great way to save time in the garden.

A method of planting beets and spinach in cell flats. This is one way to grow beets and spinach transplants outdoors for your garden. Get a jump on the season and let them mature in cell flats while other crops are in the ground. This is a great way to maximize garden space. Grow transplants!

60 Seconds or Sow: Swiss Chard - A 3 Season Vegetable

In 60 second or sow, I introduce you to a cool weather vegetable that grows through all three seasons. If you haven't grown Swiss Chard, check out this video. Swiss chard can be harvested spring, summer and fall. It will grow until a few hard frosts. The stalks can be sauteed and the leaves can be used like spinach.

60 Seconds or Sow: Save Time, Grow Cucumbers & Squash in Cups as Transplants 

In 60 seconds or so... I explain a concept of starting cucumbers, peas, squash and other vine crops in cups outdoors. This practice will save you weeks of time. While it is cool, you can start these 'warm' garden vegetables in cups before the garden is ready for them. They will grow over 3-5 weeks in your cups and provide you with great transplants. They can be popped  right into the garden after you harvest your cool weather crops.

60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying & Controlling Flea Beetles on Eggplants

In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify and treat flea beetles on eggplants. Other vegetables will also get flea beetles. My eggplant will get swarms of beetles every year if not treated. You can use organic or non-organic methods to treat them. I use a chemical dust. It is effective for my needs.

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