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Friday, May 10, 2013

60 Seconds or Sow: Just Identifying Tomato 'Suckers' - Where Do They Grow?

60 Seconds or Sow:
Identifying Tomato 'Suckers' - Where Do They Grow?

This video is just to show you where the tomato 'suckers' grow on the tomato. Identifying them is the first step to deciding how you want to manage them on your tomatoes. They grow in the joint where the leaf branch and main growing stem meet.

'Suckers' if left alone will also turn into main production stems. That is they will grow leaves and flower clusters that will set tomatoes. There are reason to remove or keep tomato suckers and strategies for maintaining 1, 2, 3 or more main stems or production stems on your tomatoes. I will talk more about that as the season progresses.

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden

Thursday, May 9, 2013

60 Seconds or Sow: Save Time Grow Cucumber and Squash Transplants in Cups

60 Seconds or Sow:
Growing Cucumbers, Squash, Zucchini 
and Vine Transplants in Cups

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden

60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Aspirin ot Turn On Tomato Defenses

Using Aspirin to Turn On Tomato  Defenses

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden

60 Seconds or Sow: Stopping Tomato Blossom End-Rot with Egg Shells

Stopping Tomato Blossom End-Rot with Egg Shells

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden

60 Seconds or Sow: Preventing Seedling 'Damping Off' with Cinnamon

Prevent Seedling 'Damping Off' Diseases with Cinnamon

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden

60 Seconds or Sow: Milk Containers for Frost Protection

Milk Containers for Frost Protection

Visit My Extensive Main Garden Blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden

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