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Pests & Diseases

How to Protect Your Vegetables from Frost with Cups, Trash Bags and Wet Towels 

This is quick video to show you how you can create frost protection for you vegetable plants out of cups, trash bags and a wet towels. It is easy to do. Cheap, and it can be done quickly. It really works!

60 Seconds or Sow: Preventing Seedling 
'Damping Off' Disease Using Cinnamon

This is nearly a 60 second garden video to show you how to use cinnamon and its anti-fungal properties to prevent or stop 'Damping Off' diseases on your seedlings.

60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Aspirin 
to Strengthen Tomato Defenses (SAR) 

This is nearly a 60 second video that explains how the salicylic acid in aspirin can be used to bolster the defenses of your tomato plant. SAR is systemic acquired response. Essentially the salicylic acid in aspirin mimics a natural chemical in the tomato that initiates the SAR response.

The SAR is what your tomato naturally does when stressed. This may be due to diseases like bacterial speck or spot diseases. From experience, I can say I have had very good results using this general spraying method in the garden. I truly believe it benefits the tomato plant.

60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Baking Soda to Fight Powdery Mildew

Baking soda can be used as an effective anti-fungal. It changes the PH level on leaves which often disrupts how a fungus reproduces. While it may not always cure the problem, when used properly it can greatly slow the progress of a fungus, such as powder mildew.

I have use this for a decade and have not hand any problem with using 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water. Using higher concentrations could damage certain plants. ALWAYS test spray a few leaves whenever you are using a new spray. Wait about 48 hours to see how your plants react.

60 Seconds or Sow: Killing Snails and Slugs with Iron Phosphate 

In 60 seconds or sow, I explain to you how to use iron phosphate in your garden to kill and control snails and slugs. It is simple and safer product to use, that really works. Unlike metaldehyde (another product) that poisons anything that eats it, iron phosphate is baited and geared towards snails and slugs

60 Seconds or Sow: The White Moth and Green Cabbage Loopers

This is not by any means an exciting video. But in 60 seconds or so... you can see the white moth that lays cabbage looper worms/green cabbage worm eggs. You know the insect that puts holes in cabbage, kales, greens and other related vegetables. If you see this moth around... it is time to protect the vegetables.

60 Seconds or Sow: Milk Containers for Tomato Frost Protection

Milk containers have many uses. One use is as a frost protection barriers. A milk carton with the lid on it will provide several degrees of frost protection for your covered plant. Milk cartons are especially good for larger plants like tomatoes. They are best placed on the tomato in the afternoon so they have a chance to absorb some heat from the sun. You can use cups to like in the picture for smaller plants or containers.

60 Seconds or Sow: Tomato Blossom End Rot & An Egg Shell Solution 

In 60 seconds or so... I explain to you what tomato blossom end rot is, why it occurs and how to prevent it. Egg shells and lime will add calcium to your soil and help prevent tomato blossom end rot.

60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying & Controlling Flea Beetles on Eggplants

In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify and treat flea beetles on eggplants. Other vegetables will also get flea beetles. My eggplant will get swarms of beetles every year if not treated. You can use organic or non-organic methods to treat them. I use a chemical dust. It is effective for my needs.

60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying and Treating Japanese Beetles 

In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify Japanese Beetles and discuss treatment options. They are one of the more easier pests to identify and treat.

60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying the Squash Bug & Squash Bug Eggs 

In 60 seconds or so... quickly learn to identify the squash bug and the eggs it lays. You have to inspect the upper and lower leaves of your squash and zucchini plants several times a week. The eggs are easy to spot if you look for them. Find them, pinch out the eggs with a piece of the leaf and get them out of your garden!

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