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Vegetables H-P

1 of 2 How to Plant Peas in 5 Gallon Containers: Spring and Fall 

This video is not 60 Seconds or Sow but it quickly shows you how to plant peas in a 5 gallon container. They are great container crops. Plant them both in your garden beds and some in containers. You can never have enough peas!

You can plant peas twice yearly in the Spring and Fall. Container planting is simple, cheap and a very effective way to grow peas. Please check out my other videos to see how the peas mature.

60 Seconds or Sow: Save Time, Grow Cucumbers, Squash & Peas in Cups as Transplants 

In 60 seconds or so... I explain a concept of starting cucumbers, peas, squash and other vine crops in cups outdoors. This practice will save you weeks of time. While it is cool, you can start these 'warm' garden vegetables in cups before the garden is ready for them. They will grow over 3-5 weeks in your cups and provide you with great transplants. They can be popped  right into the garden after you harvest your cool weather crops.

60 Seconds or Sow: Harvesting Red Russian Kale Flowers as a Biennial

In 60 seconds or so... I describe how you harvest kale flowers for salads. Kale is biennial that will over winter in Zone 7. Kale will produce large leaves the first season, can be cut back in winter and come spring... it will produce smaller sweeter leaves and flower clusters that you can eat. You can get 2 seasons from your kale plants.

60 Seconds or Sow: Make Your Own Indestructible Onion Sets

In 60 seconds or so... I show you just how indestructible onions really are to grow as sets. Any gardener can do this. These onions were over-seeded in the cells. You can watch my other videos to learn the process. The onions in the video have been neglected outside and still have bulbed quite well for making sets. Check it out. You can grow 100's of onions for pennies.

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