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Just Tomatoes

60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Aspirin 
to Strengthen Tomato Defenses (SAR) 

This is nearly a 60 second video that explains how the salicylic acid in aspirin can be used to bolster the defenses of your tomato plant. SAR is systemic acquired response. Essentially the salicylic acid in aspirin mimics a natural chemical in the tomato that initiates the SAR response.

The SAR is what your tomato naturally does when stressed. This may be due to diseases like bacterial speck or spot diseases. From experience, I can say I have had very good results using this general spraying method in the garden. I truly believe it benefits the tomato plant.

60 Seconds or Sow: First Leaves or True Tomato Leaves, What are They?

In 60 seconds or sow, I show you the difference between first leaves and true leaves on tomato seedlings. First leaves are the embryonic leaves of the cotyledons. They are the first two leaves that break the ground.

The true leaves are actually the second set of leaves which develop in about 10-14 days of planting. They are the first set of leaves that look like true tomato leaves. You begin to consider transplanting your tomatoes when the first set of true leaves are well established.

60 Seconds or Sow: What is Tomato Leaf Sunscald & Prevention Tips

In about 60 seconds or so... I show you what tomato leaf sunscald is, explain why it happens and briefly talk about how to prevent it. Basically tomato seedlings grown indoors do not have the resistance they need to protect themselves from the sun. You have to slowly acclimate them to the outdoors so they can handle the sun. Yep... it is a sunburn for tomato leaves.

Acclimation is the key to making sure your tomato transplant's leaves don't burn in the sun. Also keep in mind the sun can also burn the tomato. This typically happens when leaves are removed and the fruit is over exposed to the sun.

60 Seconds or Sow: What is a Potato Leaf Tomato?

In 60 seconds or so... I show you what a potato leaf tomato is versus a standard leaf tomato. The leaf of course resembles a potato leaf. They are often found on many heirloom tomatoes. In this video I use the 'Brandywine Red' as an example.

60 Seconds or Sow: Tomato Blossom End Rot & An Egg Shell Solution 

In 60 seconds or so... I explain to you what tomato blossom end rot is, why it occurs and how to prevent it. Egg shells and lime will add calcium to your soil and help prevent tomato blossom end rot.

60 Seconds or Sow: Acclimating Indoor Tomatoes Outdoors with Milk Containers

In 60 seconds or so... I explained to you why indoor tomato plants have to be acclimated or slowly introduce to the outdoors and sun. I explain how to use a milk carton to accomplish acclimation and save you about a weeks time. The sun will actually burn their leaves until the develop a resistance to the sun's rays.

60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying Tomato Suckers for Pruning

In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify tomato 'suckers' in the joints of leaf branches and the main growing tomato production stem. This video show you how to find the tomato 'suckers'. Suckers will actually grow into main stems and produce flowers, tomatoes and more suckers. You prune them to manage the size of the plant.

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